Overcoming Knee Pain

Overcoming Knee Pain

Recently, I’ve been experiencing some knee pain in my right knee during certain activities. I decided to do some gentle stretching and use some natural creams and essential oils to aid in the healing process. I also looked up what Louise Hay suggested the underlying cause could be in her book: "You Can Heal Your Life.”

She suggests possible challenges with pride, ego, fear, inflexibility, and the inability to bend. She suggests repeating a positive affirmation such as:

“I am flexible and flowing, forgiveness, understanding, compassion.” “I bend and flow with ease, and all is well.”

Maybe try saying this out loud or in your mind a few times throughout the day and even adding to it if it feels right. I’ve included a guided relaxation I created to help relax and relieve knee pain. Try it whenever you have time maybe a few times a week.

I’d love to hear how it helped and as always, welcome any questions or feedback.

Blessings, health, and happiness to you!