Friends Forever?
/What comes to mind when you think of friendship? Kindness, someone to talk to, someone to spend time with?
For me, the definition of friendship has remained the same, yet evolved and matured over the years, becoming more important as I journeyed through my 30’s and have now entered into my 40’s.
As I look back upon some memories of childhood friendships, school friends, college friends, family friends, and adulthood friends, certain things stand out to me. Like which friends I could always be myself around, friends that were loyal, friends I could laugh with, and count on even when we didn’t see each other all the time (My cousin Joann says those are your best friends). I’ve come to realize those friendships are hard to find and should be cherished.
I’ve also realized the types of friendships that aren’t appealing to me. Friends that are only there when things are going well, friends that are shallow and self-serving, friends that aren’t able to communicate honestly when they feel hurt by something I may or may not have done, and friends that are just plain too much work to be friends with (all one-sided).
Someone once showed me the video of Madea’s Friendship tree, it was instrumental in helping me to make sense of a 7 year friendship that had recently ended. I strongly encourage everyone to take a look, if you’ve never seen it, as it can apply to love relationships too.
I once read a devotional about the gift of good friendships, I think it accurately sums up what I’m trying to say. It said that” Good friends don’t abandon us when external circumstances change, they stay with us through the good and the bad days. They remain loyal through the good, the bad, and the ugly and they are gift from God.”
Be thankful for the good ones and let go of the not so good ones, trust me, its freeing! Tell me your thoughts about friendships, I’d love to hear from you!
Blessings, Health, and Happiness to You Always,